Sustaining Livelihoods of Youth in Plantation Communities Affected by COVID-19 Pandemic.

CCT introduced livelihood and sustainability initiatives due to the Pandemic. As a result of COVID youth who were working in Colombo lost their jobs and returned to their homes in tea estates near Hatton, we initiated this project to support their livelihood and also to contribute to dealing with their frustrations. This project contributed to strengthen the solidarity and effectiveness of the existing Conflict Mitigation Groups (CMGs) in the target locations. The participants cooperated and contributed for this project and this project enhanced their cohesion which supports our other projects. The COVID 19 prevention campaign in Stockholm Estate helped to improve the relationship between Estate Management and estate communities, estate Medical Assistant, Child Development Officers, Plantation Human Development Welfare Officer, Pradhesiya Sabha Members, Union leaders, Preschool Teachers, and Agrarian officer from the estate.