Provision of Covid 19 Relief

As one among many, CCT too tried its best to respond with food relief and few protective components distributed among the communities where we closely work.  We heard sad stories of some families facing starvation, as they had no means to meet their basic needs for food and sustenance. In this scenario, even though CCT is an organization with donor resources mainly for peacebuilding capacity building work, looked for a way to express our solidarity with the most vulnerable persons in communities where we work. With the approval of one of our donors to transfer funds earmarked for capacity building to provide immediate humanitarian assistance. CCT was able to respond to peoples’ struggles to feed their families which was the main factor for us to initiate this immediate response. We provided assistance for nearly 600 families from three of our Conflict Mitigations Groups in three Divisional Secretariat Divisions each in Batticaloa, Hatton and Mannar.